First call for data and joint analysis of the ARIANNA project

This first call for data and joint analysis aims to put together structural MRI data of subjects with ASD and controls from multiple sites with the following characteristics:
- structural T1w MRI data should be acquired with high-resolution 3D protocols (no anomalies should be detected at MRI; both 1.5 T and 3 T data would be accepted);
- both male and female children up to 8 years of age;
- IQ level;
- for subjects with ASD also ADOS-G or ADOS-2 scores.
Data will be analyzed as follows:
a) Voxel-based morphometry and Freesurfer-based statistical comparison of structural features of the cortex and inner structures will be carried out.
b) Support Vector Machine (SVM) multivariate analyses will be set up to identify involved brain regions in ASD.
The results of the analysis carried out within this first call of the ARIANNA project will be jointly published by all authors in peer-reviewed International scientific journals.
Researchers can agree to participate to the proposed ARIANNA first call by signing a research agreement defining also the publication policy.
If you are interested in joining the ARIANNA research you can find more information you can write to