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Terms and Conditions of Use
Terms & Conditions
Terms and conditions for use of the ARIANNA platform By completing the procedure to obtain the credential for using the ARIANNA collaborative research platform, you agree to be bound by these Terms and Conditions. The ARIANNA collaborative research platform is exclusively dedicated to researchers interested in the study of Autism Spectrum Disorders through neuroimaging. If you do not belong to this category, you are invited to avoid filling in the following form for credential request. These Terms and Conditions expressly incorporate the guidelines, policies or rules to use the ARIANNA platform. If you do not agree with these Terms and Conditions, please do not complete the following form to ask the credential for using the ARIANNA platform. I Rules ARIANNA follows the rules of conduct according to the Article 17. “Rules of Conduct” of the “Code of conduct and professional practice applying to processing of personal data for statistical and scientific purposes” (Published in the Official Journal no. 190 of August 14, 2004). 1. Data processors and persons in charge of the processing that can lawfully access the personal data processed for statistical and/or scientific purposes on grounds related to their work and/or research(es) shall also abide by the following provisions: a) personal data may only be used for the purposes set forth in the research project as per Article 3; b) personal data must be kept in such a manner as to prevent their loss, removal and/or any other use that is not compliant with both the laws and the instructions received; c) non-publicly available personal data and news that become known in the course of performing statistical activities and/or activities that are instrumental thereto may not be disseminated or used in whatever manner for one's own or another's private purposes; d) any and all activities performed shall be adequately documented; e) the professional skills related to personal data protection shall be continuously adjusted to methodological and technological evolution; f) communication and dissemination of statistical results shall be fostered by having regard to the informational requirements of both the scientific community and public opinion in compliance with personal data protection legislation; g) any and all conduct that is not in line with the rules of conduct set out herein shall be immediately reported to either the data processor or the data controller. II Use of the Materials of the ARIANNA platform You may not copy, display, distribute, modify, publish, reproduce, store, transmit, post, translate or create other derivative works from, or sell, rent or license all or any part of the ARIANNA platform, except as otherwise expressly permitted under these Terms and Conditions, or any relevant license or subscription agreement or authorization by the ARIANNA project management. You may not reverse engineer, disassemble, decompile or translate any software in the ARIANNA platform, or otherwise attempt to derive the source code of such software, except to the extent expressly permitted under applicable law, without our prior written permission. You may not engage in the systematic retrieval of Content from the Services to create or compile, directly or indirectly, a collection, compilation, database or directory without our prior written permission of the ARIANNA project management. III Password Use and Security If you use a password to access the ARIANNA platform, you must not reveal your password and must take reasonable steps to keep your password confidential and secure. You agree to immediately notify the ARIANNA team (ARIANNA-info@pi.infn.it) if you become aware of or have reason to believe that there is any unauthorized use of your password or account or any other breach of security. The the ARIANNA team is in no way liable for any claims or losses related to the use or misuse of your password or account due to the activities of any third party outside of our control or due to your failure to maintain their confidentiality and security. IV Guidelines for Joint Analyses in ARIANNA. The ARIANNA platform will allow to conduct collaborative analyses involving researchers of different groups working in the field, according to further specifications to be explicitly agreed among the partners. The researcher partners will agree to share with the ARIANNA team demographic, clinical data and MRI data of a sample of subjects. The contributed data will be analysed with the specific purpose defined in specific “Calls for Data and Joint Analysis of the ARIANNA Project”. The ARIANNA team guarantees that data collected and results achieved whitin specific “Calls for data” will not be redistributed nor repurposed for different analyses or publications without the explicit consent of the data owners. Scientific Agreement on Data Sharing and Publication Policy rules will be signed among the partners of the ARIANNA Project.
Terms & Conditions of Use